Program                                              Program(fixed)
                                                         Proceedings(2nd ed.)  

[Day 1] Tuesday, December 3, 2019
第一天 12月3日 (週二)
Pre-Conference Workshop 會前工作坊

09:00~09:30報到 / Registration 【LIB_B1F】


中央研究院數位人文研究平臺 (Academia Sinica Digital Humanities Research Platform)
(中研院數位文化中心 王祥安 博士、李祐陞專案經理)


臺灣歷史人物傳記資料庫 (Taiwan Biographical Database, TBDB)
(臺灣師範大學柯皓仁、張素玢教授、謝順宏博士候選人 )

12:00~13:30午餐 / Lunch 【LIB_B1F】


通用型古籍數位人文研究平臺 (Chinese Ancient Books Digital Humanities Research Platform, CABDHRP)
(政治大學圖書館 陳志銘館長)


DocuSky: 個人學術研究的好幫手(DocuSky: Your Personal Research Partner)
(臺灣大學數位人文中心 胡其瑞 、洪一梅博士)


[Day 2] Wednesday, December 4, 2019

09:30 ~ 10:00Registration
10:00 ~ 10:30[LIB_B1F]
DADH 2019 Opening & Group Photo
10:30 ~ 11:50[LIB_B1F]
Keynote Speech A1
Speaker: Fu-Shih Lin
               (Distinguished Research Fellow,
                 Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)
Topic: Digital Textual Criticism: The New Literacy for Humanities Scholars
Moderator: Su-Bing Chang
12:00 ~ 12:20

Oral briefing of posters(Each 1.5 minutes)

Moderator: Su-Bing Chang

12:20 ~ 14:50Lunch & Poster Session
14:50 ~ 15:10Break
15:10 ~ 16:50[LIB_B1F]
Session A1:
Text Analysis Techniques and Applications
Moderator: Jen-Jou Hung
Panel 1:
DH and Law Data Analysis

Moderator: Sieh-Cheng Huang


[Day 3] Thursday, December 5, 2019

09:00 ~ 10:40[LIB_B1F]
Session A2:
DH Infrastructures and Tool (I)
Moderator: Shu-Hui Lin
Panel 2:
Techniques for Automatic Text Annotation and Event Extraction
Moderator: Yuan-Ju Liu
Joint Conference/WEDHIA:

Keynote Speech B1
Speaker: Prof. Soichiro Takagi(University of Tokyo)
Topic: Innovation Capability: Implications from Social and Economic Transformation Driven by Blockchain Technologies
Moderator: Shu-Heng Chen
10:40 ~ 11:00Break
11:00 ~ 12:20[LIB_B1F]
Keynote Speech A2
Speaker: Prof. Paul Longley Arthur
               (Vice-Chancellor's Professorial
                 Research Fellow and Chair in Digital
                 Humanities and Social Sciences, Edith
                 Cowan University, Western Australia)

Topic: Creating Enhanced Digital Resources for
Preservation and Access: A National Case Study
Moderator: Hao-Ren Ke
Joint Conference/WEDHIA:

Session B1:
Sinology and Applied Linguistics

Moderator: Shihwen Chyu
12:20 ~ 13:30Lunch
13:30 ~ 15:10[LIB_B1F]
Session A3:
DH and Historical Studies
Moderator: Cheng-Yun Liu
Panel 3:
The Establishment and Tool Development of Biographical Databases(Eng.)
Moderator: Tsong-Han Lee
Joint Conference/WEDHIA:

Session B2:
Visual Humanities

Moderator: Deng-Teng Shih
15:10 ~ 15:30Break
15:30 ~ 17:10[LIB_B1F]
Session A4:
DH Infrastructures and Tool (II)
Moderator: Shu-Jiun Chen
Panel 4:
Crowd Wisdom and Cross-Disciplinary
Moderator: Hao-Ren Ke
Joint Conference/WEDHIA:

Featured Talk:
Speaker: Shu-Heng Chen
Topic: On Consilience: What Do We Learn from TCDH, Two Years On?

Keynote Speech B2:
Speaker: Prof. Francesco di Iorio(Nankai University)
Topic: On Prediction in the Social Sciences
Moderator: Shu-Heng Chen
17:30 ~ 20:00Banquet


[Day 4] Friday, December 6, 2019

09:00 ~ 10:40[LIB_B1F]
Panel 5:
International DH Development: Taiwan, Japan, Australia(Eng.)
Moderator: Ping-Tzu Chu
Session A5:
Evolution and Cultivation of Digital Culture
Moderator: Kuang-Hua Chen
Joint Conference/WEDHIA:

Keynote Speech B3:
Speaker: Prof. Jonathan Allen(University of San Francisco)
Topic: A Model Future? Implications of the Data Science Movement for Economic and Social Inclusion
Moderator: Shu-Heng Chen
10:40 ~ 11:00Break
11:00 ~ 12:20[LIB_B1F]
Keynote Speech A3
Speaker: Prof. Tabata Tomoji
               (Professor of Language Informatics and
                Digital Humanities Graduate School of      
                Language and Culture, Osaka  
                University, President of the Japanese
                Association for Digital Humanities)

Topic: Digital Humanities as Non-Linear Reading: Style in classic British fiction
Moderator: Chao-Lin Liu
Joint Conference/WEDHIA:

Session B3:
Big Data and Machine Learning

Moderator: Kuo-Liang Ou
12:20 ~ 13:30Lunch
13:30 ~ 15:10[LIB_B1F]
Session A6:
Temporal-Spatial Perspectives DH
Moderator: Hsiung-Ming Liao
Panel 6:
Education and Outcome of Cross-Disciplinary DH Courses
Moderator: Husan-Lei Shao
Joint Conference/WEDHIA:

Session B4:
Cyber-Physical Space: Inclusiveness, Integration and Transformation

Moderator: Deng-Teng Shih
15:10 ~ 15:30Break
15:30 ~ 17:10[LIB_B1F]
Session A7:
Visualization and Social Network Analysis
Moderator: Muh-Chyun Tang
Session A8:
DH Experiences and Introspection
Moderator: Jyi-Shane Liu
Joint Conference/WEDHIA:

Session B5:
Spatial Humanities

Moderator: Ming-Wei Liu
17:10 ~ 18:00[LIB_B1F]
Closing Ceremony


論文發表 A1 / Session A1:文字分析技術與應用

  1. 中文關鍵詞偵測方法的比較
    A Statistical Approach of Keywords Extraction for Chinese Documents
    • 余清祥 國立政治大學
    • 許承恩 國立政治大學
  2. Universal Dependencies Treebank of the Four Books in Classical Chinese
    • Koichi Yasuoka (Kyoto University)
  3. Language(s) of the Shun-Pao 申報: A Computational Linguistics Account
    • Pierre Magistry (IrAsia, Aix-Marseille Université)
  4. 以文字探勘技術分析台灣四大報文字風格
    A Study of Text Mining on Taiwan’s Newspapers
    • 余清祥 國立政治大學
    • 許承恩 國立政治大學


論文發表 A2 / Session A2:數位人文基礎建設與工具(I)

  1. 從DocuSky談數位人文時代的Metadata再詮釋
    Re-interpreting Metadata in the Era of Digital Humanities from DocuSky.
    • I-Mei Hung (The Research Center for Digital Humanities of National Taiwan University)
    • Te Chi Tsao (The Research Center for Digital Humanities of National Taiwan University)
  2. DEDU: 一個以人文研究需求為核心的線上對讀文本製作工具
    DEDU: An Online Parallel Corpus Editing Tool Based on Research Needs in the Humanities.
    • 洪振洲 法鼓文理學院
  3. 多文本對讀工具 — 以 DocuXML 格式實現多文本間的對讀
    Multi-Text Reading Tool: Realize Multi-Text Reading by DocuXML Format
    • Sih-Pin Lai (National Taiwan University)
    • Hsieh-Chang Tu (National Taiwan University)
    • Jieh Hsiang (National Taiwan University)
  4. 數位人文研究平台之觀點變遷和年代劃分工具發展與應用
    Development and Application of Digital Humanities Research Platform with Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division.
    • 陳志銘 國立政治大學
    • 林正和 國立政治大學


論文發表 A3 / Session A3:數位人文歷史研究

  1. Portfolios of Prestige: Digital Humanities Perspectives on the Study of Taiwanese Elites
    • Táňa Dluhošová (Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences)
  2. 數位人文視野下的宮廷詩研究—論宋白〈宮詞〉的字詞運用和藝術特點
    Digital Humanities and Traditional Chinese Court Poetry– A Study of the Word Usage and Aesthetic Characteristics in Song Bai’s Palace Poetry.
    • Oliver Hon Man Chan (Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University)
  3. 日記文獻的資料庫化及視覺化呈現——以姚鼐《惜抱使湘魯日記》爲例
    • 黄漢 中國社會科學院大學文學系
  4. A Co-Occurrence Analysis of Nation-Building Terms in the Writings of Liang Qichao and Chen Duxiu.
    • Anne S. Chao (Rice University, Houston, Texas)
    • Qiwei Li (The University of Texas at Dallas)
    • Zhandong Liu (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas)


論文發表 A4 / Session A4:數位人文基礎建設與工具(II)

  1. 基於自動圖像標註之圖像檢索工具發展與應用研究
    Development and Application of an Image Retrieval Tool Based on Automatic Image Annotation
    • 陳志銘 國立政治大學
    • 張志泓 國立政治大學
  2. DocuSky與民間故事型態分析
    Analyzing the morphology of the folktale by DocuSky
    • Chi-Jui Hu (Research Center for Digital Humanities of National Taiwan University)
  3. Augmented Reality Escape Rooms for Engaging Museum and Educational Experinces
    • Colin Mcfadden (University of Minnesota)
    • Samantha Porter (University of Minnesota)
  4. 基於主動式學習之古漢語斷句系統發展與應用研究
    Development and Application of an Ancient Chinese Sentence Segmentation System Based on Active Learning
    • 陳志銘 國立政治大學
    • 徐志帆 國立政治大學


論文發表 A5 / Session A5:數位文化之演進與培育

  1. 宋本《玉篇》圖形資料庫之構建
    A Graph Database of Chinese Dictionary Da Guang Yi Hui Yu Pian
    • 劉冠偉 北海道大學
  2. 數位典藏的史料詮釋方法:以數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫《Creative Comic Collection 創作集》為例
    The Digital Archive and the Interpretation Method for Historical Materials: A Case Study of Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program "Creative Comic Collection"
    • 蔡佩眞 國立臺北教育大學
  3. Finding Flexibility to Teach the "Next Big Thing": Digital Humanities Pedagogy in China
    • Lik Hang Tsui (City University of Hong Kong)
    • Benjun Zhu (Peking University)
    • Jing Chen (Nanjing University)
  4. 設計思考融入的數位人文創新教學與實踐
    • Ju-Chuan Wu (Feng Chia University)
    • Jui-Chi Wang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology)


論文發表 A6 / Session A6:數位人文的時空觀點

  1. 數位人文中的空間認識論-以方志與中國陸測圖為例
    Spatial Epistemologies in Digital Humanities: Using Local Gazetteers and Land Survey Maps of China as an Example
    • Nung-Yao Lin (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)
    • Shih-Pei Chen (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)
    • Qun Che 上海交通大學歷史系
    • Calvin Yeh (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)
    • Sean Wang (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)
  2. 人物傳記之時空架構建置:以「蔣經國先生大事長編」為例
    • Yi-Fan Peng (National Chengchi University; Academia Sinica)
    • Pi-Ling Pai (Academia Sinica)
    • Chao-Lin Liu (National Chengchi University)
  3. THDL Text Mining for Consuls in Taiwan
    • Shu-Hui Lin (Department of Taiwan Culture,Languages and Literature,National Taiwan Normal University)
  4. 從數位視野看近代韓中關係的變化趨勢
    The Trends of Change of Korean-Chinese Relationship from the Perspective of Digital Humanities
    • Injae Song (Hallym University)
    • Jaehak Do (Hallym Academy of Sciences, Hallym University)


論文發表 A7 / Session A7:視覺化與社會網絡分析

  1. 可視化視域下唐代西蜀幕府文人的社交網路分析
    The social network analysis of the Mufu literati in the western shu area of Tang Dynasty.
    • Zhou Rui (Southwest University)
    • Huang Yimei (Zhejing University & The visiting PhD student of Harvard University in 2019-2020)
  2. 方志門類研究與桑基圖的應用
    • 祝平次 (National Tsing Hua University)
    • 鄭文信 道易科技有限公司
  3. A Quantitative Way to Utilise the Social Network in Social Status: A Study Using CBDB Song Dynasty Data.
    • Lin Ma (Auckland University of Technology)
    • Monica Li (City University of Hong Kong)
  4. 老照片中的人物群像: 探討社會網絡的另一種途徑
    • Shun-Hong Sie 國立臺灣師範大學
    • Su-Bing Chang 國立臺灣師範大學
    • Hao-Ren Ke 國立臺灣師範大學


論文發表 A8 / Session A8:數位人文經驗與反思

  1. Bibliographic Data Science as Big Data: a case study in Bibliographical history of Tak province in Thailand.
    • Supanee Lertjiraprasert (National Discovery Museum Institute)
  2. 從宗教研究到數位宗教研究:以TEI來標記宗教研究期刊論文的經驗與反思
    From Religious Studies to Digital Religious Studies: Experience and Reflections on Tagging Religious Studies Journal Papers with TEI Standard Ming Yeung Cheung (Fu Jen Catholic University, Dept. of Religious Studies)
    • Yi-Fu Chen (Fu Jen Catholic University, Dept. of Religious Studies)
  3. 臺灣歷史人物傳記資料庫之可用性評估
    A Study on the Usability Evaluation of the Taiwan Biographical Database (TBDB)
    • Chih-Hsuan Hsu 國立臺灣師範大學
    • Hao-Ren Ke 國立臺灣師範大學
  4. Analysis of Human Thoughts in the Big Data Era: A Case Study of Showerthought Sub-Reddit
    • Siaw-Fong Chung (National Chengchi University)
    • Rafal Rzepka (Hokkaido University)


專題討論 1 / Panel 1:數位人文與法律資料分析

  1. 「機器閱讀判決?機器分類法律案件及其預測」 邵軒磊。Can Machine Read Judgement? Classifying Legal Cases and Predicting Outcomes, Hsuanlei Shao(NTNU)。
  2. 「新住民親權裁判要素之法律資料分析」黃詩淳。Legal Factor Analysis on Child Custody in Taiwanese Transnational Marriages: NLP and ML, Siehchuen Huang(NTU).
  3. 「智慧凶宅判斷系統—以數據觀點分析凶宅案件之適用」王紹安等。Analytics Application in Haunted House Judgement(Shao-An Wang etc.)


專題討論 2 / Panel 2:文本自動標記與事件擷取技術

  1. 歷史氣象紀錄之事件分類與時空整合分析 ──災害與其社會影響之數位人文研究
    • 黃詩芸(中央大學資訊工程學系)
    • 吳尚芸(獨立研究者)
    • 吳承翰(中央研究院歷史語言研究所)
    • 白璧玲(中央研究院地理資訊研究中心)
    • 蔡融易(中央研究院地理資訊研究中心)
    • 蔡宗翰(中央大學資訊工程學系)
    • 范毅軍(中央研究院歷史語言研究所)
  2. 事件擷取:以中古僧人遊方事件挖掘為例
    • 林品傑(中央研究院中國文哲所)
    • 蔡秉霖(中正大學中國文學系)
  3. 歷代僧傳疾病敘述的數位研究
    • 劉苑如(中央研究院中國文哲所)
    • 羅珮瑄(政治大學中國文學系)
    • 邱琬淳(台灣大學中國文學系)
  4. 徽州列女典型的建構與編纂策略
    • 陳雅琳(中正大學中國文學系)


專題討論 3 / Panel 3:人物資料庫的建置與工具開發 (英文發表)

  1. 「婦女期刊資料庫」Women’s Social Networks through Journalism in Modern China
    • Ling-ling Lien(Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica)
  2. 臺灣歷史人物傳記資料庫 Taiwan Biographical Database
    • Su-Bing Chang(National Taiwan Normal University)


專題討論 4 / Panel 4:群體智慧、跨域共建 – 淡水維基館

  1. 「數位人文地方學:淡水維基館「文五合e」經驗談
    • 林信成 (Sinn-Cheng Lin)
  2. 淡北在地敘事:從社區紀錄到數位人文行動(淡江大學大眾傳播系王慰慈教授)
    • Su-Bing Chang(National Taiwan Normal University)
  3. Japan Biographical Database
    • Bettina Gramlich-Oka (Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan)


專題討論 5 / Panel 5:國際數位人文發展—臺灣、日本、澳洲(英文發表)


專題討論 6 / Panel 6:跨領域數位人文教學與實做成果

  1. 「法院如何裁量專家鑑定人的鑑定結果」 洪郁淇(台大法律系)
  2. 「離婚贍養費裁判之法實證研究」宋祖寧(台大法律系)
  3. 「車禍案件中法院判定過失比例之因素分析」康心宥(台大法律系)、郭恩佳(台大法律系)


Online Submission Registration Conference Program

 Important Dates

Abstracts Submission Due

18 August, 2019

Notification of acceptance

20 September, 2019

Full Paper Submissions Due

25 October, 2019

Early-bird registration closes

31 October, 2019

Online registration closes

20 November, 2019

On-site registration

3 - 6 December, 2019